For those who wish to know more about Crucis Tours, Crucis Tours is a commercial wing of, an organisation dedicated to education, salvation and the proliferation of the true Catholic faith. We organise religious pilgrimages and offer guided tours around some of the most important sites, relics and icons of Christian history, led by devout Catholic scholars who are highly knowledgeable not only about their subject matter but also the spiritual significance that is inextricably bound to it.

About Crucis Tours’ Mission

Crucis was formed in 2023 with the objective of spreading the truth of the Catechism and defending the Catholic faith from the misinformation and subversion that has plagued it throughout the last 500 years – and more acutely in the last 60 years. The evangelism we espouse is not solely aimed at those who consider themselves non-Catholic, but fundamentally at those who do consider themselves Catholic, yet have received poor catechesis.

As the Church faces arguably its greatest ever internal crisis due to infiltration at the highest levels to the backdrop of unprecedented world events, our mission is to help anyone who is willing to see the light.

Crucis Tours was originally conceived in Rome, the heart of the Church. Arguably, the city of Rome contains more Christian history than any other place on Earth, yet the vast majority of the tourism industry seems to be agnostic, atheist or simply unwilling to embrace the spiritual aspect.

At Crucis Tours, we believe that the history of Rome, as well as countless other cities in the world, goes hand in hand with the history of the Church and its teachings; that it is impossible to know one without knowing the other, and that we each have a responsibility to preserve the truth through generations.

Ancient Roman history is intertwined with its pre-Christian, pagan mythology. Still to this day it is said, albeit tongue-in-cheek, that the city was founded by demigods Romulus and Remus, yet secularism permeates the narrative of the last 2000 years.  The Roman Empire of course spread far and wide, and we find this influence to be prevalent in other European countries and indeed in Western Civilisation as a whole, and so we have also expanded to other cities in Europe.

Crucis Tours is at the service of Christians who seek to make pilgrimage or simply to see and learn about the history of our faith – but not only. Catholic history is a gold mine of fascination even for non-believers who are interested in the historical development of western civilisation.

To learn more about the true Catholic faith, to get involved, to join us in our mission or to simply break free from the shackles of misinformation and wanton ignorance, visit We’d love to hear from you.

About Crucis Tours’ Team

The Crucis Tours team is now around 10 people strong with a mix of management people ensuring that our business successfully completes its mission, the customer service guys who have the difficult job of dealing with problems as they arise and professionally looking after our amazing customers, and our guides who are on the front line entertaining and educating our clients in their often once in a lifetime experiences.

Our team is a close knit family with a passion for the faith and we are more than just colleagues and friends – we are brothers and sisters.

Our backgrounds range from lawyers to seminarians, from scientists to philosophers but our common characteristic is fun, vibrant people who loves life and history and want to share this with others.  If you would like to know more about Crucis Tours team or indeed if you would like to join us in our mission no matter your background or skill level, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


About Crucis Tours
About Crucis Tours